Vira Drones has conducted simulations of automatic take-off and landing for a two-rotor cargo drone, as well as coordinate flight. The autopilot program successfully coped with the task. In March 2020, a year-long work was completed on the development and creation of a power plant based on a propeller-driven group of its own design, traction characteristics were obtained that allow lifting of about 450 kg per power plant.
Thus, preliminary calculations and modelling allow planning an exit to the maximum take-off weight of 750 kg, of which 250 kg is a payload, plus a sufficient power reserve in case of operation of the device in difficult meteorological conditions.
Now the next step is to assemble and start testing the full-size Vira M250.
Stay tuned and join us as partners in the future unmanned aerial vehicle market, which is estimated to reach $ 1.5 trillion in 2040.